DIY Daily Journal Calendar by Vanessa Spencer

Imagine if you were able to look back in five years’ time and see what you did on any given day! This project provides an artful way to record memories, whether it’s a big event like a wedding or simply a quiet outing to your favorite park.

Inspired by a calendar journal project that was featured on Design*Sponge, our Shoppe manager decided to use a similar concept, but adapt it by using the 7gypsies library drawer to store her daily journal pages.


DIY Daily Journal Calendar



Library Drawer

Clearly Impressed Typewriter Alphabet Stamps

Acrylic Mounts

StazOn Ink Pads (in Jet Black, Pumpkin, and Olive Green)

Elegant Ledger and Wrought Scroll stamps by Christine Adolph

7gypsies Paper Tape

Cavallini Decorative Paper Tape



Start by creating a journal card for every day of the year. If cutting out the 365 pieces of cardstock and stamping all of the dates onto the pieces seems a bit time-consuming, try creating an assembly line. First stamp all of the months, and then stamp all of the days. This way you can quickly stamp 31 January cards with “JAN,” crank out all 12 months with “01”, and so on.

Now it’s time to alter and embellish the cards! Keep in mind that this is a big project, so consider gradually decorating the cards throughout the year.  I added a few very simple elements using some of my favorite stamps and colorful inks.  On my cards, I used a little bit of white-washed paint to give the stamped images a slightly faded look and finished them off with a bit of decorative tape.

Journal just a little tidbit every day and make it a tradition to do so every year. You’ll enjoy looking through your cards, sharing memories with family and friends, and seeing just how much you’ve accomplished!


What would you write down on your journal card for today?


—  Vanessa Spencer, Shoppe Manager


Posted: Tuesday, January 17th, 2012 @ 10:12 am
Categories: How-To Project Tutorials.
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6 Responses to “DIY Daily Journal Calendar by Vanessa Spencer”

  1. I just discovered this blog and the Stampington website looks amazing. Love the facelift. Hope you are all well.


  2. Ellen says:

    A recipe for living! I love it~ It is fun to record memories that are filled with magic!
    Thanks for sharing :D

  3. Lisa M says:

    I did something similar for three years in a row in combination with the 365 project (in which you take one photo a day for a year). I used a day planner with large spaces, printed the photo in 2″ size, glued it in and journaled in that day’s space about the photo and whatever else may have been of interest. It is SO cool to look back and see when certain things happened and to remember the small daily highlights that would otherwise have been long forgotten.

  4. Yoby says:

    I think I’d do it with an old fashioned Rolodex, or one of those 7 gypsies photo carousels. 365 is a tad intimidating, but one a week wouldn’t be. Anyone else agree?

  5. I was recently inspired by the projects on this blog of the library drawer. I also LOVED the idea of a journal project that files the daily writings into monthly tabbed sections. So, I tried it and frilled up the monthly tabs a bit- it came out great!!

    Thank you Somerset for a beautiful idea:) Check it out at:

Jordan How-To Project Tutorials ,

Imagine if you were able to look back in five years’ time and see what you did on any given day! This project provides an artful way to record memories, whether it’s a big event like a wedding or simply a quiet outing to your favorite park.

Inspired by a calendar journal project that was featured on Design*Sponge, our Shoppe manager decided to use a similar concept, but adapt it by using the 7gypsies library drawer to store her daily journal pages.


DIY Daily Journal Calendar



Library Drawer

Clearly Impressed Typewriter Alphabet Stamps

Acrylic Mounts

StazOn Ink Pads (in Jet Black, Pumpkin, and Olive Green)

Elegant Ledger and Wrought Scroll stamps by Christine Adolph

7gypsies Paper Tape

Cavallini Decorative Paper Tape



Start by creating a journal card for every day of the year. If cutting out the 365 pieces of cardstock and stamping all of the dates onto the pieces seems a bit time-consuming, try creating an assembly line. First stamp all of the months, and then stamp all of the days. This way you can quickly stamp 31 January cards with “JAN,” crank out all 12 months with “01”, and so on.

Now it’s time to alter and embellish the cards! Keep in mind that this is a big project, so consider gradually decorating the cards throughout the year.  I added a few very simple elements using some of my favorite stamps and colorful inks.  On my cards, I used a little bit of white-washed paint to give the stamped images a slightly faded look and finished them off with a bit of decorative tape.

Journal just a little tidbit every day and make it a tradition to do so every year. You’ll enjoy looking through your cards, sharing memories with family and friends, and seeing just how much you’ve accomplished!


What would you write down on your journal card for today?


—  Vanessa Spencer, Shoppe Manager