Simple 6 Step DIY: Crafty Mixed-Media Envelope Book

When it comes to storing paper pieces like little notes, ephemera, and reusable craft scraps, we’re convinced that a purse would be too cumbersome and a wallet a bit unwieldy, so our very own creative connoisseur [Shoppe Manager Vanessa Spencer] came up with this altered envelope book project  – a perfect pocket for safe-keeping your mini treasures!

final piece



EnvelopesWhite Flora Envelope Set




purple twinePurple Plum Twine




ephemera pack

Assorted Handmade Ephemera Pack




time stampsEclectic “Time” Stamps




purple washiPurple Striped Washi Tape




green washiGreen Chevron Washi Tape




6 Simple steps:


1) Take two flora envelopes at a time, backside up, their flaps facing each other, lined up horizontally. Wrap a piece of green washi tape around the center, front and back, binding them like a book. When you’re finished you should have three sets of 2, like the image above.


2) Compile all three sets and layer into a mini book. Bind together by wrapping a piece of Purple Plum Bakers Twine and tying into a bow on the cover.


3) Embellish the front of the book with a piece of white mulberry paper from the handmade ephemera pack. Secure it to the envelope with a strip of the green chevron washi tape.



4) Stamp the clock design onto the front. It doesn’t have to be perfect! Faded ink can add a vintage feel.

French text

5) Glue a piece of torn French text or another image from your handmade ephemera pack onto the cover and then add a few small strips of green chevron and purple striped washi for pops of color.



6) Stamp the “Journey” definition onto the right side of the cover to add some interest and remind yourself what this life is all about – the voyage of discovery!

final piece

Voilà! Now you’re ready to open up the pages of these personalized pockets and store snippets of your favorite things!


If you loved this mixed-media booklet idea, share it with your friends on Facebook by clicking the “Like” button below!

For more DIY inspiration like this, check out our growing gamut of Free Projects on our site...and don’t forget to comment on this post with your ideas! What do you want to learn to create? Let us know so we can tell our Shoppe Manager!


Posted: Friday, May 31st, 2013 @ 8:35 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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7 Responses to “Simple 6 Step DIY: Crafty Mixed-Media Envelope Book”

  1. Renee Zarate says:

    I would love to see more small handmade books with tutorials. This project is lovely, thanks.

  2. Becky Green says:

    VERY CUTE!!!!!!! This COULD BE used to put FUN THINGS for children in & then take it along when you’re out that they can DISCOVER things to do inside! You could change out the contents every-so-often, so they don’t get tired of what’s inside! :)

    Yes, maybe handmade books, but those that you don’t have to buy the expensive binding machines to make!

    • Bethany says:

      What an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing your creative take on this project. :)

  3. Ellen says:

    I am sewing envelopes together now, for a special friend! I have some seeds and images I want to mail her. I stitched my envelopes on cards…I love this idea! Thank you for sharing~ I need more Washi tape-good excuse as any, to buy more fabulous
    goodies, besides it is for my friend ;D

    Thank you Vanessa

  4. Wow! She made it look so easy!! I can’t wait to try for myself!
    As far as what I would like to see? I’m no sure! I will have to think about it!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Kathy S says:

    what a great idea not only for ephemera,maybe little notes, photos the list goes on- thanks for sharing

  6. Laura says:

    Lovely tutorial – thanks for sharing! :)

Jordan Uncategorized

When it comes to storing paper pieces like little notes, ephemera, and reusable craft scraps, we’re convinced that a purse would be too cumbersome and a wallet a bit unwieldy, so our very own creative connoisseur [Shoppe Manager Vanessa Spencer] came up with this altered envelope book project  – a perfect pocket for safe-keeping your mini treasures!

final piece



EnvelopesWhite Flora Envelope Set




purple twinePurple Plum Twine




ephemera pack

Assorted Handmade Ephemera Pack




time stampsEclectic “Time” Stamps




purple washiPurple Striped Washi Tape




green washiGreen Chevron Washi Tape




6 Simple steps:


1) Take two flora envelopes at a time, backside up, their flaps facing each other, lined up horizontally. Wrap a piece of green washi tape around the center, front and back, binding them like a book. When you’re finished you should have three sets of 2, like the image above.


2) Compile all three sets and layer into a mini book. Bind together by wrapping a piece of Purple Plum Bakers Twine and tying into a bow on the cover.


3) Embellish the front of the book with a piece of white mulberry paper from the handmade ephemera pack. Secure it to the envelope with a strip of the green chevron washi tape.



4) Stamp the clock design onto the front. It doesn’t have to be perfect! Faded ink can add a vintage feel.

French text

5) Glue a piece of torn French text or another image from your handmade ephemera pack onto the cover and then add a few small strips of green chevron and purple striped washi for pops of color.



6) Stamp the “Journey” definition onto the right side of the cover to add some interest and remind yourself what this life is all about – the voyage of discovery!

final piece

Voilà! Now you’re ready to open up the pages of these personalized pockets and store snippets of your favorite things!


If you loved this mixed-media booklet idea, share it with your friends on Facebook by clicking the “Like” button below!

For more DIY inspiration like this, check out our growing gamut of Free Projects on our site...and don’t forget to comment on this post with your ideas! What do you want to learn to create? Let us know so we can tell our Shoppe Manager!