Our New Year’s Resolution: More Creativity!

~Photo by Annie Spratt
2018 could be your most creative year yet. Isn’t that exciting? 2018 will be slowly unfurling in a matter of days and 365 days hold the opportunity for creativity, artwork, self-care, and personal growth. I find that exciting. This year, I challenge you to make at least New Year’s Resolution to help foster your self-expression. Your story needs to be told. 2018 is the year of you.
To get you started on this challenge, our Stampington & Company family agreed to share their resolutions. Here’s what our staff is resolving to accomplish in the New Year:
“Knowing how much reading adds to my life and helps me feel balanced, I resolve to use my breaks at work for reading rather than looking mindlessly at my phone.”
— Christen Hammons, Director of Publishing
“I’m trying to make artwork a daily practice. I want to give myself the freedom to splatter, mess up, and create art. I resolve to let go of the pressure to create the picture that I imagined, and instead have the victory of just getting it on the page.”
— Sarah Donawerth, Social Media Accounts Manager
“I’d like to learn how to needle felt!”
— Lindsay Wiley, Jr. Graphic Designer
“I had a wonderful art teacher in college. I could not draw for beans when the class began, but by the end of the course I was amazed at my improvement. I’ve put that artful practice on the shelf for far too long and in 2018 I want to revist those classic, elementary drawing skills and mix it up by learning how to illustrate with gouache paint.”
— Sara Wilkins, Assistant Photographer
“My resolution is to sign up for a crafting class … or two!”
— Kelly Kirchner, Managing Editor

~Photo by Saz B.
“My resolution is to create more of my own personal bath and body products. I am so inspired by Willow and Sage! I also want to focus more time for prayer and meditation using essential oils in my diffuser. Scents that immediately come to mind are, of course, frankincense and myrrh, but there are many others, too.”
— Jana Holstein, Managing Editor
“Once a month I want to try a new art medium or technique.”
— Nichole Martin, Jr. Graphic Designer
“I vow to submit to a creative challenge from one of our beautiful magazines. With so many great challenges it is going to be hard to choose!”
— Erin Solis, Art Manager
“Finally decide on a story and publish my web comic about a dystopian future where corporations run the world. on mars. with robots. Also, quit smoking cigarettes.”
— Luis, Your friendly neighborhood Web Developer
Want some inspiration to start your 2018 off right? Check out our Artful Resolutions Collection.
Posted: Friday, December 29th, 2017 @ 8:01 am
Categories: Artful Living, Holidays.
Tags: Artful Resolutions, Artful Resolutions for 2018, Creative Resolutions, New Year's Resolutions, New Year's Resolutions for 2018.
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