Dreamy Damsels: Free Ephemera Download


Travel back in time with these lovely ladies dressed to the nines. You’ll find a dramatic damsel adorned in a gold embroidered gown captured in a moment of grace and an entertaining starlet, high-kicking the night away in Paris.

Classic color combos and vintage text make it easy to use these images together or separately as a stunning accent in your next art project.


Click here to view these images at full size and to download yours today.


To incorporate more vintage ephemera and digitally altered pieces into your artwork, visit e-Crafting.com!

*More freebies: Did you know we also give away free ephemera downloads in our newsletters? For printable inspiration that won’t cost you a cent, be sure to signup today!

We want to see your art! If you download this free image and make anything from a mixed-media project to a creative card idea, we want to see the final piece! Please comment below with a link to the image. If you need some inspiration to get started, check out our ephemera challenge post, featuring fellow artists’ unique pieces. Happy creating! ❤

Posted: Monday, May 20th, 2013 @ 2:02 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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2 Responses to “Dreamy Damsels: Free Ephemera Download”

  1. When I initially commented on your post. I clicked the button and now each time I try to add a comment I get several other peoples email with the same comment.. If this comment is added to your webpage I just wanteed to say Iloved Your pageAppreciate it!

  2. Ellen says:

    oooh, thank you! I might be able to use the Lady in Red for my Trash to Treasure challenge ;D

Jordan Uncategorized


Travel back in time with these lovely ladies dressed to the nines. You’ll find a dramatic damsel adorned in a gold embroidered gown captured in a moment of grace and an entertaining starlet, high-kicking the night away in Paris.

Classic color combos and vintage text make it easy to use these images together or separately as a stunning accent in your next art project.


Click here to view these images at full size and to download yours today.


To incorporate more vintage ephemera and digitally altered pieces into your artwork, visit e-Crafting.com!

*More freebies: Did you know we also give away free ephemera downloads in our newsletters? For printable inspiration that won’t cost you a cent, be sure to signup today!

We want to see your art! If you download this free image and make anything from a mixed-media project to a creative card idea, we want to see the final piece! Please comment below with a link to the image. If you need some inspiration to get started, check out our ephemera challenge post, featuring fellow artists’ unique pieces. Happy creating! ❤