55 Things to Be Thankful For by Guest Blogger Madelyn Mulvaney
Please join me in welcoming our dear friend and contributing artist, Madelyn Mulvaney to our blog. Maddie has been featured in several installments of Somerset Life, Mingle, and has also been published in the premiere issue of Bella Grace. She is well-known for her enchanting, free-flowing narratives, photography, and unique art. Today she shares with us the things she’s thankful for, in hopes to inspire (or revive) gratitude in your own heart.
Madelyn Mulvaney’s 55 Things to Be Thankful for
It’s been far too long. Far too long since I made a list of the abundance overflowing in my life ~ and my exaltation, my gratitude for all things I cherish.
So. Here. Now. I. Celebrate.
1. the love I share with my family and friends and the ways I am daily moved to make a difference in our exquisite world
2. my dogs ~ Roxy, Lucy and my daughter’s puppy Romeo
3. the dancer’s pose in yoga
4. dark chocolate joy bars
5. spice, all spice especially Indian!
6. fresh homemade pizza dough and the way he makes the toppings sing
7. green, violet, silver, gold
8. conversations with my kindred friends ~ deepening, opening
#9 seashells and sea glass and driftwood and bones
10. love letters (I want to write more)
11. my always present ~ Pete ~ who has a heart of gold and shows up every second every day for our family/children rain/ sunshine with unconditional love
12. running water (my bath!)
#13 vegetables (and green juice drinks)
14. my hands ~ to hold my beloveds with ~ for hugging and touching and connecting ~ love makes me hold the world differently, always
15. meditation (on the couch, on the beach, in the beam of sunlight beneath the Giant Sequoia tree)
16. my sweater collection (thrifted!)
17. the mountains and the sea of my beautiful sea to sky Vancouver
18. wild raspberry bushes
19. the old and wonderful violet tinted windows of my house
20. my house (circa 1941)
21. that I am loved (oh thank you thank you thank you!!!)
22. that I love (times infinity)
23. my past and my present ~ and the morning sun
24. tea
#25 morning coffee
26. Sunday mornings
27. bonfires (on the beach! especially!)
28. sailing with Michael
29. wine ~ organic, red, full bodied, smooth
30. autumn
31. elephants (luminous elephants too)
32. colorful pens and my sketchbooks
33. my studio
34. snail mail
#35 nests and eggs
36. books (reading ‘the power of now’ at present)
37. my feet
38. rose quartz
39. wild salmon
40. this quote …”open the window in the centre of your chest and let the spirits fly in and out.” (Rumi ❤)
41. teaching! oh my glorious spirit! I love teaching!
42. all the gifts of teaching I have been blessed with ~ students who have taught me the power of an open heart, an open mind
43. my lovely laugh lines
44. my bicycle
45. my voice
46. my children’s laughter (oh oh oh!!!) ~ all laughter anywhere anytime
47. all beautiful things that are wild and free
48. creativity ~ my sweet muse (after a bit of creative block or perhaps the natural ebb vs flow of such things, the spirits are flying in and out and hatchlings murmur in their awakening)
49. joy
50. random acts of beauty and love
51. twinkle lights
52. perfume
53. my camera
54. my Kate Spade notebooks in my satchel gifted to me by my daughter Tess
55. this moment, now (and I love that we are all in this together)
may your day be filled with light,
Maddie @ madelynmulvaney.com
The Bella Grace Blog Hop

Posted: Monday, August 25th, 2014 @ 12:17 pm
Categories: Artful Living.
Tags: Bella Grace, Books, creativity, grateful, love, Madelyn Mulvaney, meditation, nest and eggs, studio, tea, thankful.
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I am thankful for you telling me, giving me wonderful new ways of using all of my senses to find more gratitude in all that surrounds me! I grateful for you for that!
Thanks Sunny! Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. =)
I am thankful for my Heavenly Father, my husband, my son, my 3 grandsons, my job, my dog, my new house, coffee, and my art journaling