Archive for the 'Textile Arts' Category

The Editors Reveal a Few of their Favorite Spring Issue Features

Friday, April 24th, 2015

by Cynthia Levens   What comes to mind when you think of spring? As editors at Stampington & Company, we think of all the new incoming artwork to publish in our magazines. Spring is often associated with liveliness, energy, and warmth, which is reflected in the quality of artwork we receive around this time of […]

Jordan Art Dolls and SoftiesArt JournalingArtful LivingContests and GiveawaysDigital ArtGlimpse Inside And Sneak PeeksJewelry MakingStampingTextile Arts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

by Cynthia Levens   What comes to mind when you think of spring? As editors at Stampington & Company, we think of all the new incoming artwork to publish in our magazines. Spring is often associated with liveliness, energy, and warmth, which is reflected in the quality of artwork we receive around this time of […]

Glimpse Inside Inspiring February Issues + Win Your Fav

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

Spring is on the horizon, and while we cannot wait for colorful blooms and cheerful songbirds, the chill of winter and the early sunsets will be sorely missed! There’s nothing quite as wonderful as sitting at your desk with a hot cup of tea, watching the rain or snow outside your window as you undertake […]

Jordan Art Dolls and SoftiesArtful LivingGlimpse Inside And Sneak PeeksTextile Arts ,,,,

Spring is on the horizon, and while we cannot wait for colorful blooms and cheerful songbirds, the chill of winter and the early sunsets will be sorely missed! There’s nothing quite as wonderful as sitting at your desk with a hot cup of tea, watching the rain or snow outside your window as you undertake […]

Free Article Download: Little Book of Encouragement by Mary Walden

Monday, January 12th, 2015

“If you don’t have a lot of time at one stretch to work on creating, this is a good project. You can plan one page at a time, sew them later, and assemble them even later. Using 15 minutes here and there can be time well spent. None of us ever has enough time to […]

Jordan Free DownloadsTextile Arts ,,,,,

“If you don’t have a lot of time at one stretch to work on creating, this is a good project. You can plan one page at a time, sew them later, and assemble them even later. Using 15 minutes here and there can be time well spent. None of us ever has enough time to […]

Celebrate the New Year with New January Issues + A Chance to Win

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Start the New Year right with inspiring new titles! What better time to challenge your creativity than now, especially with a brand-new publications that offer stunning photographs, step-by-step instructions, and insights from top artists. If you’ve always dreamed of starting your own business, then you won’t want to miss out on Where Women Create BUSINESS, […]

Jordan Art Dolls and SoftiesArt JournalingArtful LivingContests and GiveawaysJewelry MakingMixed-Media ArtStampingTextile Arts ,,,,,,

Start the New Year right with inspiring new titles! What better time to challenge your creativity than now, especially with a brand-new publications that offer stunning photographs, step-by-step instructions, and insights from top artists. If you’ve always dreamed of starting your own business, then you won’t want to miss out on Where Women Create BUSINESS, […]

Stamped and Stuffed Snowman Ornament by Guest Artist Melony Miller Bradley

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

Nothing says Christmas like a cheerful snowman, and what better way to add a festive touch to your home than by bringing these sweet, little guys in from the cold and right onto your Christmas tree! Today we’re joined by guest artist Melony Miller Bradley, who is going to show us how to make this […]

Jordan HolidaysHow-To Project TutorialsTextile Arts ,,,,,,,

Nothing says Christmas like a cheerful snowman, and what better way to add a festive touch to your home than by bringing these sweet, little guys in from the cold and right onto your Christmas tree! Today we’re joined by guest artist Melony Miller Bradley, who is going to show us how to make this […]