Guest Artist: Clay Heart Tags by Monica Sabolla Gruppo

Monday, January 30th, 2012

We are excited to welcome guest artist Monica Sabolla Gruppo to Somerset Place! Today, she teaches us how to create bright handmade clay tags to tie together your gift bags and packaging projects.   Materials White clay Rolling pin Chopping board Cookie cutters Barbecue skewer Acrylic paint (red and white) Heart- shaped rubber stamp Divine […]

Jordan Uncategorized ,

We are excited to welcome guest artist Monica Sabolla Gruppo to Somerset Place! Today, she teaches us how to create bright handmade clay tags to tie together your gift bags and packaging projects.   Materials White clay Rolling pin Chopping board Cookie cutters Barbecue skewer Acrylic paint (red and white) Heart- shaped rubber stamp Divine […]

Perfectly Grungy Heart Pouches

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Roses are red, violets are blue, these gift bags are sweet, and can be created by you! Whip up these treat bags for a classroom valentines exchange, bring them to brunch for your closest girlfriends, or tuck one into your daughter’s backpack for a sweet Valentine’s surprise. Just promise you won’t eat all of the […]

Jordan HolidaysHow-To Project Tutorials ,

Roses are red, violets are blue, these gift bags are sweet, and can be created by you! Whip up these treat bags for a classroom valentines exchange, bring them to brunch for your closest girlfriends, or tuck one into your daughter’s backpack for a sweet Valentine’s surprise. Just promise you won’t eat all of the […]

DIY Daily Journal Calendar by Vanessa Spencer

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Imagine if you were able to look back in five years’ time and see what you did on any given day! This project provides an artful way to record memories, whether it’s a big event like a wedding or simply a quiet outing to your favorite park. Inspired by a calendar journal project that was […]

Jordan How-To Project Tutorials ,

Imagine if you were able to look back in five years’ time and see what you did on any given day! This project provides an artful way to record memories, whether it’s a big event like a wedding or simply a quiet outing to your favorite park. Inspired by a calendar journal project that was […]

Tips for the Procrastinating Gift Wrapper: Bitty Bag Gift Card Holders

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

I have a confession. I’m not the most timely when it comes to making handmade holiday gifts. No matter how early I vow to start my crafting, you’ll find me locked in my room on the eve of any given holiday, juggling a glue gun in one hand, paper cutter in another, painting chipboard and […]

Jordan How-To Project Tutorials ,,,,

I have a confession. I’m not the most timely when it comes to making handmade holiday gifts. No matter how early I vow to start my crafting, you’ll find me locked in my room on the eve of any given holiday, juggling a glue gun in one hand, paper cutter in another, painting chipboard and […]