Celebrate the New Year with New January Issues + A Chance to Win

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Start the New Year right with inspiring new titles! What better time to challenge your creativity than now, especially with a brand-new publications that offer stunning photographs, step-by-step instructions, and insights from top artists. If you’ve always dreamed of starting your own business, then you won’t want to miss out on Where Women Create BUSINESS, […]

Jordan Art Dolls and SoftiesArt JournalingArtful LivingContests and GiveawaysJewelry MakingMixed-Media ArtStampingTextile Arts ,,,,,,

Start the New Year right with inspiring new titles! What better time to challenge your creativity than now, especially with a brand-new publications that offer stunning photographs, step-by-step instructions, and insights from top artists. If you’ve always dreamed of starting your own business, then you won’t want to miss out on Where Women Create BUSINESS, […]

Glimpse Inside Wonderful New October Issues + Win Your Favorite

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

It’s time for pumpkin spiced lattes, cinnamon-scented candles, brisk chills and cozy sweaters, along with a canvas of red, orange, and yellow fallen leaves. Fall is officially upon us, and we want to celebrate with a fresh batch of inspiration. Plan the perfect holiday get-together with creative ideas from Mingle, or keep track of all […]

Jordan Art JournalingArtful LivingContests and GiveawaysJewelry MakingStampingTextile Arts ,,,,,

It’s time for pumpkin spiced lattes, cinnamon-scented candles, brisk chills and cozy sweaters, along with a canvas of red, orange, and yellow fallen leaves. Fall is officially upon us, and we want to celebrate with a fresh batch of inspiration. Plan the perfect holiday get-together with creative ideas from Mingle, or keep track of all […]

Hot Off the Press: New November Issues!

Friday, November 1st, 2013

Artful Blogging, GreenCraft Magazine, and Somerset Studio are just a few of my favorite titles that are making their debut this November! Come join me as we reveal a sneak peek inside this month’s iconic Stampington titles, and click here to subscribe to our blog if you want to take advantage of special savings:  Special Discount → $5 […]

Jordan Art Dolls and SoftiesArtful LivingContests and GiveawaysGlimpse Inside And Sneak PeeksMixed-Media ArtTextile Arts ,,,,,,,,,,,

Artful Blogging, GreenCraft Magazine, and Somerset Studio are just a few of my favorite titles that are making their debut this November! Come join me as we reveal a sneak peek inside this month’s iconic Stampington titles, and click here to subscribe to our blog if you want to take advantage of special savings:  Special Discount → $5 […]