Spreading the ♥: Happy Valentine’s Day
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.”
~Helen Keller

Wishing you lots of love and inspiration this Valentine’s Day!
[This giveaway has ended.] Comment below for your chance to win a copy of Somerset in Love. We’ll pick five lucky winners on February 28th:
What’s the one crafting tool, book, or magazine you LOVE most?
Posted: Thursday, February 14th, 2013 @ 1:22 pm
Categories: Contests and Giveaways, Holidays.
Tags: magazine giveaway, somerset in love, Valentine's Day.
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My favorite crafting tool is probably my bone folder – it’s good for origami, bookbinding, burnishing, and a whole host of other things.
What a gorgeous cover of Somerset in Love! Thanks so much for this chance to win one.
My favorite craft magazine is Somerset Life – so much inspiration – and lately my favorite crafting books are the Tilda’s World books by Tone Finnanger.
Oh my gosh! What a gorgeous looking issue. All that texture, all that romantic colour. I just LOVE my Stampington magazines.
Oh I love all of your magazines! My favorite has to be Somerset Apprentice though – so many great artists and ideas I love it! Somerset Studio is tied for 2nd place with Somerset Memories!
Thanks for the chance to win this great magazine! It looks amazing!
My favorite crafting tool is my little craft iron that melts the beeswax on collages… And a Happy Valentines Day to you! I’m embarrassed to admit but I have not looked at your magazines yet! I am new to the blog, and recently found your site… I would love to see more! Thank you…. XO
I love my distress inks and rubber stamps, and I get my inspiration from Somerset Apprentice. Love that mag!
My current favorite crafting item is washi tape…and paper…can’t choose just one.
What a perfectly lovely magazine. I’m in love with Belle Armoire Magazine myself. My favorite tool has to be my soldering iron. Thank you for sharing such lovely and creative ideas.
This looks beautiful and I can imagine all the beautiful ideas stuffed inside.
Somerset In Love looks wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Don’t know what I’d do without Mod Podge!
Absolutely love the Prims magazine that Stampington publishes. It’s like a jump start for my creativity. Nothing better than a winter evening, a cup of cocoa
and my Prims magazine!
oooh, tough love with this question! I guess I would have to say Somerset Studio. I love all of your publications, but this was my first love. We always remember our first crush, don’t we! ;D
I would LOVE to win it !! So beautiful !
and …. I did not answer the question …um, I really do love your magazines. they offer so much visual inspiration !
A beautiful cover! I’d be thrilled to win a copy. My favorite magazine is Somerset Digital Studio with Somerset Memories a close second.
Why, my creative mind, of course. A gift from the stars. The Somerset in Love seems divine. Off to peruse them. Hope your Valentine’s Day was sweet.
What would I do without my exacto knife? I love Somerset magazines, they are always so tasteful. My favorite, hands down, is Altered Couture, but after inspecting my library, Somerset Life has just as many places in my magazine holders. Thank you so much for everything.
Your magazine has such a beautiful cover it makes me want to open it up and read it cover to cover! I love the chance to win a copy! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love Altered Books. Thanks for the giveaway
Love ALL of your magazines! But my favorite is Art Doll Quarterly!
It would be so nice to win Somerser in Love – it’s one of the few publications (of yours) that I don’t have! My favorite magazine is Somerset Life. I really like the softer and more quiet art featured there.
I love Somerset Studio Gallery, followed closely by Art Journaling. I can’t get enough of them and pore over my old issues. Surprisingly enough, I’ve never seen a Somerset in Love. PICK ME!! lol
This IS a HARD QUESTION!!!!!!!! I’d have to say my FAVORITE CRAFTING TOOL would have to be….my Guillotine Paper Cutter! I don’t know what it is but, there is just SOMETHING about that NICE CLEAN CUT!!!!!! :)AND measure, measure, measuring! (Funny too, cause I used to HATE to measure things! LOL) HAPPY VALENTINES to EVERYONE at Somerset! :)
Looks like a beautiful issue, would be perfect to explore since I am truly in love right now with the most wonderful man.
Absolutely to die for….so sweet and romantic
Beautiful Cover! I’ve been wanting to do an altered book, so this would be great! I guess my favorite tool would be my rotary cutter, for both paper and fabric! ARt Journaling is great, and so many more.
Oops, my favorite tool is the ink…I can use it on so many surfaces.
The cover of Someset in Love is inspiring! My two favorite magazines (I couldn’t choose one over the other) are Belle Armoire and Jewelry Affaire-and without my plethora of pliers I wouldn’t be able to recreate any jewelry!
Without a doubt, it’s Art Journaling, because I’m both inspired by the examples shown and emboldened to find my own style.
I would love to win this magazine. I buy a lot of your magazines, they are so inspiring. My creative juices just flow after looking at all the talented people out there.
I just love seeing the fabulous artists you feature in Artful Blogging. All of your magazines are gorgeous, but that (and Mingle — wow, all the ideas for get-togethers) are my favorites.
Favorite magazine is Somerset Life (followed by Somerset Home), favorite book is Personal Geographies by Jill K Berry, and favorite tool is my heat gun. Thanks for a chance to win!
I love all your magazines and regularly purchase the Where Women Create.
I am just beginning to learn how to color with Copic Markers and would love a chance to win this book!
This looks FAB! What a great mag to win!
My favorite tool would have to be my X-acto knife for cutting my silhouettes. But it doesn’t inspire me like Somerset Life does! What a great publication. I’ve even given it as a gift – along with something homemade of course.
My favorite magazine is Stamper Sampler and I love using stamps and dies. Anything to make gorgeous cards. I love the cover of somerset Love and it would be awesome to win. Thank you for the chance to win it.
My favorite magazine is Somerset Life. The photographs are amazing—and totally inspiring!
This is something I’ve wanted to try. Looks like this issue could be what I need to get started. Thanks for the chance to win.
I think your Art Journaling magazine is my favorite, but that was a hard choice to make from your other beautiful publications.
i really enjoy using my big shot. die cuts really make a nice page. i have to include your publications, too. so much to see and inspire.
My favorite magazine is Somerset Life…followed closely by Take Ten! This is a beautiful cover!
I love Somerset Studio magazine, and all of the Somerset publications. As already mentioned by several others, the cover of this Somerset in Love is gorgeous, and I’d love to win it!
Somerset Life is my favorite crafting magazine. I eagerly look forward to buying it at my local newstand.
I would love to win a copy of Somerset in Love! Please count me in.
i would love to be in the drawing. I love your publications!
I made 23 red felt heart pins for my women’s group
Valentine luncheon. Thank you for the idea! Your magazines are wonderful!
Love V. Day and love altered books. WHat a combo!
What a pretty magazine cover!! I’m loving the idea of the altered books with the Valentine theme!!!
Ohhhh, I’m in love already! Given the talented artists you have, this one is sure to be a wow!
I also wanted to say Thank You!! When I got my copy of Somerset Studio with the yellow paper saying “Congratulations” on it I almost passed out!! I was so honored to see 2 of my pieces inside!! Thank you again. You can never know how much this means to me!!!
Oh that’s a tough one as all your magazines are inspiring! But if I had to pick just one it would be Somerset Life.
Couldn’t live without my ATG tape runner!
Wonderful. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
My favorite crafting tool is my sewing machine followed closely by my rug hook. I am a big fan of all the Stampington magazines but especially: Altered Couture, Where Women Create and Belle Armoire. I look forward to your special publications also, this copy of Somerset in Love looks very lovely. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
Whoops, forgot to say my favorite tool is my fussy cutting scissors that came with my Slice tool kit.
Looks dreamy and delightful!
That cover is great, just perfect for valentines day and the whole year. Thanks for this chance to win it. I love all of your magazines! So glad you make them available to us and also give us chance to win them.
Art Quilt Studio hands down is my favorite magazine and Melanie Testa’s “Dreaming from the Journal Page” is my favorite book. Where would I be with out my embroidery stash? :) Happy Valentine’s Day!
Punches. I love punches. Lace punches. Eyelet punches. Scallop punches. My bunny rabbit punch. Flower punches. My gingerbread men punch. My snowflake punch.
beautiful cover! Don’t think I do any projects without using my fiskars cutter either for cutting or scoring! I’m due for a nice dose of a Somerset
Magazine, tea and a couple of hours of pure bliss!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Somerset In Love?!!?? How wonderful!! What rock have I been under? This one looks amazing!!! My favorite magazine..because I can’t choose a favorite tool…is Somerset Life! I love all of your magazines but I have found that this one I go back to so often!!
Please count me in for the drawing. Thank you for the giveaway.
Wow – what a beautiful cover! I would absolutely LOVE to win this magazine. I must have Somerset Studio every month, and Art Journaling when I have the extra $$ for it. All of your publications are feasts for the eyes and provide page after page of inspiration!
so many of your publications have been an inspiration to me. Just about my favorite Sunday afternoon is one of your magazines and a cup of hot coffee…..a fluffy soft feather pillow doesn’t hurt either. I drag out the page turning forever.
I would say the best tools I use 99.9% of the time is my acrylic blocks. I would be lost without them. I have several sizes and I use them all. This is a beautiful magazine spread.
The art on the cover makes me want to reach through and touch it! Especially the pink velvet rick rack. Love this mag. :)
My absolute favourite tool is my Sizzix Big Shot. I love to use texture in my art and this allows me to cut and dry emboss…WONDERFUL! Somerset in Love…LOVE the look of this magazine, have I been living under a rock??? Thanks for the chance to win a copy. :)
my favorite magazine is of course Somerset – there is just so much talent in each article no matter which magazine – makes you want to run straight to your studio to play
I just love rubber stamps…and washi tapes!
Art Journaling is my favorite, and I can’t stop making valentine pages! Sommerset in Love looks like my next favorite!
Your publications have been my coffee dates for many many years. I love them all and can probably open a library with the ones I own.
My favorite magazine is Apprentice. I study and study it and get back for ideas, skill building and inspiration
I love the cover and I would so love to see the romantic mixed media projects. It would be so awesome to win one of the copies of Somerset in Love!! Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Love your publications…Happy V Day!
I cannot imagine having a favorite tool. I love inks, and glue, and stamps, and punches, and…. This cover is so beautiful. My birthday is in February and I have always loved everything pink and red and hearts and romantic. Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite magazine is Somerset Studio. I have every issue and it has inspired me for years!
Somerset Studio and Somerset life. I live in Singapore and there are very few if any classes so I have to get my fix from the magazines! Love love love them!!!!
The past several months, I’ve become great friends with my hot glue gun. It allows me to create some great texture on mixed media projects.
I simply cannot wait to get my hands on this issue to give even more inspiration to my handmade journals!
It’s so hard in France to have your issues so… it shoulb so great, so “génial” to win this! And I love the colors of the cover, the ideas… Fingers crossed!
Sommerset Apprentice is my uber-favorite magazine, as for my favorite tool, that would have to be gesso. :-)
The “Somerset In Love” cover seems to have been custom-made for me! “Smitten” is my favorite word, and altered books are one of my two favorite art projects to create. I love, love, love it!
How did I not know about “Somerset in Love”? I usually have an eagle eye for spotting anything Somerset on magazine racks. What a stunning cover! I am fascinated by altered books so this is for me.
My absolute favorite magazine is “Somerset Life” for daily inspiration, with “Jewelry Affaire” as second runner-up. My current book passions are the Tilda’s World and Sew Sweet books by Tone Finnanger, since I find them very Somerset in their own way.
Small round nose pliers are my favorite crafting tool since I find them to be very all purpose for shaping and holding.
Thank you, Somerset Studio staff, for bringing so much beauty and inspiration into our hectic world.
My favorite, must-have crafting tool is a pair of small, very sharp scissors (and an mountain of beautiful paper, of course). I love all the Sommerset Magazines and often craft vicariously through them.
Even though Somerset In Love gently flows from the the lips, it lingers in the heart. ♥
Oh my gosh – that’s gorgeous! I would love to have this!
Love Somerset Studios and Art Journaling magazines but am also apt to pick up Take Ten. I am smitten with spray inks right now. Thank you for this beautiful magazine!
OH MY!!! SOMERSET LIFE truly is one of my most fav magazines!
What fun to win this issue! It would be a delightful birthday gift for myself ~ hmmmm….love to dream!
OOPS!! I meant SOMERSET IN LOVE! Still, SOMERSET LIFE does inspire me also!
What delightful inspiration all these creative books offer! Looking forward to this newest issue. THANK YOU for all the amazing photographs and inspiration you put into each publication you offer! WOW!!!
Happy Valentines day and thanks Somerset in Love.
What a beautiful magazine! I love the cover and thank you for the opportunity :) My current favorites are watercolor crayons and Somerset Studio (a little color and a lotta inspiration ;) and I’m also really crushing on Art Journaling these days. Having said that, I really am in love with them all, xo
Looks gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!
beautiful…plain and simple
Wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win.
Wow, this looks absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for your generous give~away & the chance to win. I Love valentines day!
How fun! Love the romantic theme.
Favourite magazine has to be Sew Somerset – favourite book in my library is ‘Celtic, Viking & Anglo-Saxon Embroidery’ by Jan Messent – and my favourite crafting tool absolutely has to be a needle (when it’s attached to some thread!).
I love all the Somerset magazines for all the inspiration, but I can’t live without my ink!
if I had to pick up one magazine that would be Somerset Studio.
my favorite tool… well, Modge-Podge + a few sheets of sandpaper to start with!
can’t wait to read the article about altered books
My favorite tool to “love” is the feelings your publications and the many talented artists inspire within me.
I love the blue flags at the top of that layout
snap ! forgot about my favorite tool. I love my Big Shot !
The first time I picked up Somerset magazine I was in love with it, I hadn’t seen another magazine that showed so much of exactly what I wanted to see and what I loved. I can only hope I win, it would be great. One of my favorite tools would be my edger punches. I love those. thanks for the chance!! Louella
Somerset magazines are all wonderful, but this one looks perfect – what a super cover.
I love making journals and use washi tape quite a lot.
What’s not to love about this magazine!!
Love to win it……
My best tool in creating art is love and all the inspiration I recieve from my Somerset magazines!
What a gorgeous magazine! My favorite magazine is somerset Life, I never fail to find some beautiful inspiration between its covers. My favorite crafting tool would have to my paper trimmer as I use it daily! Thank you so much for the chance to win.
My favorite magazines are Stampington magazines…It boggles my mind to realize I only discovered them 2 years ago….
My favorite tool is my eyes…I use them to find inspiration in nature, architecture, fashion, decor…you name it. My eyes see and my brain races…They also help me see all the things that find their way into my stash: a rusty nail, faded bloom, discarded silk blouse…
Thanks for the chance to win…
Just got a Big Shot for Christmas, it’s my new favorite! What’s not to love about Somerset magazines!
I’ve always wanted to purchase the Somerset in LOVE, but it’s not in our area. My fav magazine is GREEN CRAFT for crafting inspiration, my fav tool is my papercutter, and Where Women Create is my dream.
I love all the Somerset magazines, but Somerset Life is my favorite one. Always gives me so much inspiration. I make a lot of mini albums and I couldn’t live without my paper cutter and bone folder.
I’m a long time subscriber to Somerset Studio and am quickly running out of storage space; but, I refuse to part with a single copy!
I thought long and hard about my favorite tool, and came to the conclusion that paper is my favorite…white, ecru, bold colors, pale pastels,canvas,watercolor,textured, smooth and silky, fiber-infused, glittery, lacey, and those imbedded with dried flowers.Many times a certain paper will inspire a whole composition. I come home from trips with rolls of paper in my bags or totes, always trying to keep them safe from creases and tears. Put them in the overhead bin?? Oh, no!
The love magazine looks delightful!
I quite enjoyed the first issue of the Dutch magazine “Flow”. I love something about every one of your magazines. Would love view another!
Gorgeous cover!
Somerset Life is probably my favorite publication. So much talent and inspiration in every issue…..My favorite tool? Aside from my imagination, I think it is the humble pair of scissors. They are needed for almost any project I make. Something always needs to be taken apart and used in a new way!
My favourite magazine is the Stamper`s Sampler and my favourite tool is a pair of scissors.
Would LOVE to browse through an issue of Somerset in Love. Thanks for the chance!
I really love your ‘Apprentice’ magazine – so full of inspiration and helpful knowledge for us neophyte artists :)
My favorite crafting tool would be my Sizzix die cutting machine. I don’t know what I did without it. I love your magazines, and don’t want to have to live without them either!
Oh My!!! Look at that cover of beautiful yummies! I would love to win this beauty…your magazines and blog are always full of wonderful artwork and inspiration.
Thank YOU for your comment and interest in our magazines. I noticed that you really enjoy Somerset Life… (a personal favorite of mine too!) Check out today’s blog post to win the newest publication!
—> http://stampington.com/blog/index.php/2013/02/20/from-where-i-stand-caption-contest/
Somerset Life is one of my favorites but then again each and every one of your magazines inspire me to create art.
My lucky day! Just discovered an ’09 issue of stampington.com at my library today. This is everything I’ve been looking for and has now opened the door to Somerset Life and countless other publications! My passion lies in altered books and creating lasting memories.
Correction: I actually picked up “Stampers’ Sampler” today at the library. I got so excited that I got the name wrong…..
My favorite magazine : somerset apprentice
I love the blog and mags from Somerset. My fave tool has to be my bigshot die cutter. Love trying unusual materials in it.
I would say Love is my most favorite “tool”! Really all you need is love… a love of color, texture, life and messes!
This looks like a lovely, must-have issue! It’s so hard to choose a favorite magazine because there are several Stampington publications that I adore… Somerset Life and Where Women Create are favorites, but I also like Somerset Apprentice because it gives step-by-step instructions for techniques.
a new Somerset magazine filled with projects and sentiments for the whole year! love love love it. mahalo for sharing new ideas and artists.
I just came across this website today. I am in love with everything I see. It’s so inspiring and in line with the fun ideas rolling around in my head. I would love the opportunity to win! I can’t wait to further delve into all I see!
Hello !!!
I absolutely LOVE Somerset Studio Magazine. I have been a devout subscriber for years now. Each new issue delights my CREATIVE muse. THANK YOU , THANK YOU for creating so many wonderful publications promoting INSPIRATION, IMAGINATION & ARTISTRY!!!
Your efforts are much appreciated !!!
cheers !
Somerset In Love ….Great give away.
My favorite crafting tool is shredder scissors. I am inspired to make my creations from any Somerset Magazine but my favorite one is
Somerset Home.Thank you for making your beautiful magazines which bring me so much relaxation and peace.
Thank you for sharing your fav crafting tool! What creations have you made using shredding scissors?…we’re curious! It’s readers like you who inspire our team to deliver the very best. So glad our magazine brings you peace. =)
I love searching the Internet for inspiration, whether it be another artists blog, creative website or forum, images, or Somerset Studios website ;). Thank you for the giveaway.
I love my stamps. I have collected quite a few, and use them frequently and on many substrates.
This cover is beautiful…I enjoy and have a large collection of Stampington magazines. They are all an inspiration.
My favorite tool has to be stamps. I love stamping as stamps are so versatile and can be mixed with any art form.
I know my comment may be a little late..but I love looking at Somerset magazines over and over. The beauty and inspiration never gets old, not matter how old the magazine is. Thank you, for creating such beautiful magazines…I no longer subscribe to any other magazines!!
You are welcome to comment whatever the weather. :) Thank you so much for sharing with us. Happy reading!
Greetings & Happy New Year!
I have only seen a few sneakpeaks for this mag and it appears to be very sweet! I love all the lace and romantic embelishments… I awill probably read it 40 times!
Thanks so much!
I love all the Somerset magazines and I also gain a lot of ideas from Pinterest.