Perspectives and Whimsies Mini Canvases Project + A Giveaway

Friday, March 18th, 2016

  Sometimes, it’s all about how you view something. A simple change in perspective can make all the difference in mixed-media art. A whimsy is defined as “an odd or fanciful notion” and that is what these mini canvases are. They are a collection of the odd and fanciful items from The Shoppe and experiment […]

Jordan Contests and GiveawaysDigital ArtHow-To Project TutorialsMixed-Media Art ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  Sometimes, it’s all about how you view something. A simple change in perspective can make all the difference in mixed-media art. A whimsy is defined as “an odd or fanciful notion” and that is what these mini canvases are. They are a collection of the odd and fanciful items from The Shoppe and experiment […]

Glimpse Inside: New January Issues + Coupon

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

Receive $5 off on new January issues, $14.99 and up. Copy and paste coupon code BLOG0116 when prompted at checkout. (Discount code can only be used once per customer.)

Jordan Art Dolls and SoftiesArt JournalingArtful LivingContests and GiveawaysGlimpse Inside And Sneak PeeksJewelry MakingMixed-Media ArtStampingTextile Arts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Receive $5 off on new January issues, $14.99 and up. Copy and paste coupon code BLOG0116 when prompted at checkout. (Discount code can only be used once per customer.)